



vitogenic technologies, method of vitogenic teaching, holographic approach, health-preserving educational environment, professional medical college


The peculiarities of using a holographic approach to the formation of a health-preserving educational environment in a medical college, which is based on the actualization of the life experience of an individual, their intellectual and psychological potential with an educational goal are examined in the article. The health-preserving environment of a medical college as a pedagogical, psychological and social environment is considered, under the influence of which the process of active formation of valuable attitudes towards health takes place in the participants of the educational process, and the skills and competences of a healthy lifestyle are formed in it. The health-preserving educational environments of various educational institutions can differ depending on the use of a certain technological approach to their functioning are proved. The holographic approach contributes to the actualization of the vitogen experience, which reflects a certain process or object in a multidimensional (at least three projections) space is determined. It is life experience that most significantly affects a person, determining their system of views, values, beliefs, and behavior. Therefore, in the process of forming a health-preserving environment of a medical college, vitogen education and its main techniques come in handy: initial actualization of students' life experience, additional construction of an unfinished educational model; temporal, spatial, substantive synchronization of educational projections (facts that are taught with the disclosure of connections); creative modelling of ideal educational objects (establishing connections between abstract facts and the realities of today); vitogenic spiritualization of objects of living and inanimate nature (its «humanization», etc.). The necessity of complex use of vitogen and health technologies in the practice of creating a health-preserving educational environment of the medical college has been determined by the authors is determined.

Author Biographies

Olena Solodovnyk, Novohrad-Volynskyi Medical College Zhytomyr Regional Council

candidate of pedagogical sciences, director

Valery Gorbachenko, Novohrad- Volynskyi Medical College Zhytomyr Regional Council

Candidate of Pedagogical Sciences, teacher


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How to Cite

Solodovnyk О., & Gorbachenko В. (2023). HOLOGRAPHIC APPROACH TO THE FORMATION OF A HEALTH-PRESERVING EDUCATIONAL ENVIRONMENT OF A PROFESSIONAL MEDICAL COLLEGE. Scientia Et Societus, (3), 100–107. https://doi.org/10.31470/2786-6327/2023/3/100-107

