The collection of scientific articles «Scientia et societus» accepts for publication only original materials, articles that have not been published before and have not been submitted for publication in other journals.

The editorial board of the collection uses special software to detect textual borrowings in the submitted manuscripts. Manuscripts that contain plagiarism or textual borrowings without reference to the original source are rejected by the editorial board in order to further clarify the reasons and circumstances of the borrowings.


Plagiarism before publication. The editorial board of the collection analyzes any case of plagiarism in essence. If plagiarism or textual borrowings are discovered by editors or reviewers at any stage before the publication of the manuscript, the author(s) are warned to find out whether the detected plagiarism is indeed the author’s borrowing, or vice versa – it belongs to the author as his property but is borrowed by another person and published, that is,  for the peer-reviewed article is not plagiarism. If this is not the case, the author is asked to rewrite the text or make a reference to his own source. If the plagiarism is more than 20%, the article can be rejected by the editorial board.


Plagiarism check policy. Manuscripts are evaluated in which plagiarism is detected on the basis of the amount of plagiarism present in the manuscript: if the plagiarism is less than 20%, the manuscript is immediately sent to the authors for revision. By authors are encouraged to review textual borrowings and plagiarism of the manuscript and resubmit in a new version of the manuscript. If more than 20% is plagiarized, the manuscript is rejected without the editorial  board review.

The percentage of plagiarism is calculated using software and also evaluated by the editorial board.


Plagiarism after publication. If plagiarism is detected after publication, the editorial board will analyze this fact. Pages that contain plagiarism will be marked in the PDF. Due to the scale of the plagiarism, the document will be rejected (deleted).


Recommendations for authors to avoid plagiarism:

  • use quotation marks for words and phrases taken from source sentences;
  • don’t change parts of the quote within the sentence;
  • use a space and three dots for the part of the quote you deleted;
  • use parentheses for your own words;
  • limit of the use of direct quotations, use to reproduce the opinion of the author of the analyzed article;
  • try to paraphrase information or summarize information from different sources using synonyms.