



specific prophylaxis, serum, vaccine, Society of Kyiv Doctors, Society for the Control of Infectious Diseases, Bacteriological Institute, O. D. Pavlovsky, diphtheria, cholera, gas gangrene, tetanus, COVID-19


This article reveals the achievements in specific prevention techniques during the most common epidemics. Furthermore, it emphasizes the importance of prevention during the emerging new epidemics and pandemics. This article also demonstrates the effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis during wars and vaccines during the COVID-19 pandemic.

The study’s relevance is due to modern epidemiological challenges related to the unsatisfactory state of immunoprophylaxis, the COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian-Ukrainian war, its epidemic consequences, and the sanitary and epidemiological well-being of the country.

The aim is to carry out a holistic reproduction of medical scientists’ activities that pursue specific means of prevention against infectious diseases in Ukraine in the second half of the XIX - XX centuries and its significance in modern epidemiological challenges.

In this paper, we analyzed the contribution of the Kyiv Medical Societies to the development of specific prevention means during the spread of epidemics in the XIX-XX centuries. In particular, we focused on the activities of the Society of Kyiv Physicians and the Society for the Control of Infectious Diseases. Medical scientists of these societies have initiated the opening of the Bacteriological Institute in Kyiv as an essential research center for developing antibacterial agents in overcoming epidemics in Ukraine. To get acquainted with the means of specific prevention of infectious diseases, Ukrainian scientists adopted experience from their colleagues abroad and further improved it at home. This study discovered that domestic diphtheria serum, in its preventive and curative properties, was more effective than similar foreign sera. Furthermore, the effectiveness of immunoprophylaxis against such infectious diseases as diphtheria, cholera, scarlet fever, tetanus, and gas gangrene was also analyzed.

In the paper, we also underline the epidemiological challenges of the 21st century. That includes the COVID-19 pandemic and the risks of infectious diseases such as cholera, tetanus, and gas gangrene during the Russian-Ukrainian war. We analyze the means of specific prevention against these infectious diseases and the effectiveness of vaccines since the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, we emphasize the importance of vaccination as the most effective means of specific prevention against infectious diseases.

The study found a significant contribution of Kyiv Medical Societies to the development of specific prevention techniques during the spread of epidemics. A prominent place in the scientific substantiation of antibacterial agents in overcoming epidemics belonged to the Kyiv Bacteriological Institute. The scientific research of the institute’s scientists aimed to develop and improve the technology of preparation of specific tools for the prevention and treatment of infectious diseases.

Voluntary associations of doctors in the form of societies are still a theoretical and practical foundation for further development of preventive technologies, considering the old and the emerging new epidemics and pandemics. Current epidemiological challenges relate to the COVID-19 pandemic and the emergence of epidemic consequences of the large-scale Russian-Ukrainian war.

Author Biography

Nadia Kotsur, Hryhorii Skovoroda University in Pereiaslav

Doctor of Historical Sciences, professor, Head of Department of Medical and Biological Disciplines and Valeology


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How to Cite

Kotsur Н. (2022). SPECIFIC PREVENTION OF INFECTIOUS DISEASES: SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENTS AND MODERN CHALLENGES. Scientia Et Societus, (1), 86–96. https://doi.org/10.31470/2786-6327/2022/1/86-96


