


simulation technologies, simulation training, role play, business play, computer simulations, game design, imitation training, method of specific situations


The article examines the peculiarities of the application of simulation learning technologies in
the process of professional training of future teachers in higher education. It has been proved that
simulation learning technologies usage is a primary way of forming practical professional skills and
abilities of students in the conditions of artificially created educational environment. The understanding
of the main definitions of the research problem has been clarified, namely: simulation technologies in
higher education (a set of educational methods, actions and procedures in the conditions of higher
education processes occurring in the professional activity of future specialists); imitation training in
higher education (pedagogical interaction of teachers and students, which allows through the use of
imitations, games, principles and methods of active action to ensure the process of self-affirmation and
self-development of each student). The classification of simulation learning technologies according to
the presence of roles (game and non-game technologies) have been examined. The main types of
simulation learning technologies have been defined and characterized: game design, didactic game,
role play, internship with job role, simulation training, learning by doing, computer simulations; method
of specific situations (situation-problem, situation-assessment, situation-illustration, situationexercise)).
The advantages (non-standard interactive communication of students, comfortable learning
conditions, increased productivity of the educational process; low cost of error in the implementation
of simulation learning technologies, flexibility, freedom from restrictions) and disadvantages of this
group of technologies (difficulty in preparing, modelling and controlling game situations, the need to
perform coaching and directing functions, the unpredictable course of the game) have been examined
and defined. It was experimentally proven that simulation teaching technologies effectively use students’
improvisational opportunities in building of the educational process, contribute to increasing of the
quality of education and developing of the beliefs of future teachers about the effectiveness of university

Author Biographies

Olga Shapran, Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav

doctor of pedagogical sciences, professor, Head of the Department of General Pedagogy and Higher School Pedagogy, Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav

Bogdan Bandur, Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav

graduate student of the Department of General Pedagogy and Higher School Pedagogy,
Hryhoriy Skovoroda University in Pereyaslav



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